Sunday, 16 February 2014

Paleo New Years Resolution

Paleo New Years Resolution

I would like to wish all our readers a happy,healthy and prosperous new years.
Did you make any resolutions for 2014 ? The custom of making new years resolutions can be traced back to the Bablylonians. The early Romans made promises to their god Janus at the beginning of the year. So making resolutions is not a new idea. According to a study, most people do not keep their new years resolutions. However if I remember correctly about 40% do keep their resolutions or at least keep them for awhile.
paleohacks 30 day jumpstart
The most common resolutions in our times are promises relating to health and fitness and various other self improvements. The resolutions that fail are probably somewhat unrealistic. Promising to lose x number of pounds is kind of unrealistic,and unrealistic goals will proabably not be kept. Many diet programs and plans are unrealistic in that they require things that are not easily worked into the average lifestyle. They may involve unhealthy starvation tactics that do more harm than good This is why Paleo makes such a great new years resolution. Paleo does not involve starvation. In fact you can eat many meals a day with the Paleo diet. Paleo meals and Paleo snack foods are tasty and satisfying. You get to eat meals like shrimp,lobster, pork chops and chances are, many of your favorite foods and desserts.
A Paleo new years resolution is also a pledge for better health. By avoiding grains and dairy, you are avoiding the foods that so often cause inflammatory diseases and chronic health problems, at the same time you are going to lose body fat. Its a win win situation.
With Paleo, you dont need a teacher or guru, or some fitness maniac shouting at you on dvd. Paleo is pretty much self instructed with help from a few good sources. Paleohacks Cookbook is such a source. It gives you everything you need to start your Paleo resolution. Paleohacks Cookbook comes with five bonus books and includes a Paleo food list, a guide to dining out Paleo, grocery lists and more. You also have the support of the Paleohacks online community.
If you are not trying to improve a serious health problem, Paleo does not have to be an all or nothing diet. Studies show that even following it 75 or 80% can still bring great results. This means you have the option of eating things that are not Paleo on occasion. Put this all together and it adds up to a resoution that you can keep. In fact, a resolution that you can continue for the rest of your life.

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